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Website Designing in Chennai

If you were looking for website designing in Chennai, you have arrived at your destination!


For a business, the first step in the digital journey begins with good website design and development work. We promise to offer an Original website design that is aesthetic, functional, and affordable. Our approach towards website development is to create a digital space for our client business to showcase their products and services online. Also, we ensure that our clients are offered the best website designing in Chennai.

Website Types
Usually, the websites are of two types, namely Static and Interactive. The Static website is for information purposes (e.g: Brochure, Portfolio) and does not require user input or interaction. On the other hand, the Interactive type forms the vast majority of websites which requires user input (e.g: User registration, e-Commerce website purchases).

Today, more than 5 billion users use the internet across the world. This vast online community spawns thriving businesses that exist only in the “virtual” world. As a result, the want for interactive websites which expect users to interact (Call-To-Action) is growing exponentially. Thus, it has pushed web development agencies to shift towards more interactive web designs.

An interactive website may start from a user registering for a Newsletter, and booking an Appointment, to ordering physical goods and service items online. Depending on the nature and requirements of the business, suitable web technology is used to design and develop the website. Moreover, the explosion of mobile devices has made responsive web design or Mobile-first design a necessity.

Responsive Web Design
As of Jan 2021, more than 55% of global web traffic originates from Mobile devices, and it is forecasted to explode further with IoT (Internet of Things) technology. Therefore, it has made it imperative to build websites compatible with varied screen sizes with a responsive web design. A responsive and user-friendly website design delivering the best user experience (UX) clears the first hurdle in setting up an Online business.


Web Development
Web development techniques are broadly classified as Full-stack and Open-source “plug & play” based platforms like WordPress, Joomla, Drupal, Magento, etc. Although technologies like PHP, Java, ASP .Net, and Ruby are used in core web development, the majority of websites run on open-source platforms that are easy to build and affordable to maintain. Some of the best e-commerce website designs run on open-source platforms.

Today, more than 40% of the websites on the internet run on the open-source content management service which is built on PHP technology. A robust ecosystem of open-source Databases, Themes, and Plugins make platforms like WordPress more compelling.

WordPress has grown into such a sturdy technology that many Fortune companies like Microsoft, Sony, Target, Walt Disney, and Best Buy have started using it. Even tech companies like TechCrunch and LinkedIn run on WordPress today.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
A well-designed website has to be showcased to its target customers to drive business. And, to reach customers, the website needs to be Search Engine Optimized (SEO) for best Search Result ranking. A good website with poor SEO is akin to locking up a well-made product in your cupboard. A good SEO ranking can be gained by attracting quality user traffic through either the Organic method or the In-Organic method of purchasing Google Ads.

Our experienced team can understand the client’s business requirements and suitable technology to deliver the best website designing in Chennai.

We like to discuss your business requirements. Contact us!
Call or WhatsApp +91 89250 11879.