A successful business revolves around its Customers. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a “Customer-centric ” Solution which plans its functions around its Customers.
The Customer Relationship Management (CRM) solution is a business strategy which positions Customers as the focus point of the business. All the business processes in a CRM revolve around Customer. Hence, it is known as a “Customer-centric” strategy!
Business Functions

With a CRM solution, a business can handle both Online and Offline processes of business functions like Marketing Campaign, Sales and “after-sale” Services. And, the core strength of CRM lies in its unique ability to seamlessly “manage the relationship of a business with its Customer”.
Business Channels
With the advent of technology, came the newer business channels and along with that challenges to handle Customer interactions have increased manifold.
Today, the business growth from the younger generation comes through newer sales channels like E-commerce web portals and social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, etc. This leads to a growing headache for the businesses to handle their interactions with Customers. The faster internet and cloud technology has ushered in “device agnostic” culture. In other words, a user can begin an activity on desktop and store it in the cloud to complete it later, on Mobile device.

Similarly, the customer interactions with the business have become “channel agnostic”. A customer can buy the product on a web store and call the customer care for help. And, visit the service center for complaints and end-up providing the feedback on Social media. In this scenario, a business has to remain updated on all customer interactions across channels to display a uniform face to the customer. CRM makes it feasible!